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From Fr. Ermatinger Comes

Who’s Speaking?

Discerning the Good Shepherd’s Voice from that of the Stranger

Christ the Good Shepherd said His own recognize His voice and flee from the voice of the stranger. How do we discern which is the right one? Culling counsels and lessons from the spiritual masters of Church Tradition, this book presents the various voices and their corresponding tell-tale signs so as to properly discern spirits. Learning to discover who is speaking will help the reader to be led to green pastures where the Good Shepherd has prepared an everlasting banquet.

Throughout the Month of March,

Padre Pio Press Cordially Invites Its Readership to Join In Saying:

Litany of St. Joseph

Quinquagesima Sunday — Sermon by Fr. Ermatinger

Christ Healing the Blind Man of Jericho,
Italian School, 17th c.

Translation of the Epistle for Quinquagesima Sunday

Brethren: If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And if I should have prophecy, and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge; and if I should have all faith so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity is patient, is kind: Charity envieth not, dealeth not perversely, is not puffed up, is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh […]

By |March 3rd, 2025|

Meet the Author

Fr. Cliff Ermatinger is a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee where he works full-time as a spiritual consultant and in deliverance ministry. He has a Ph.L and an STL from Regina Apostolorum in Rome and has published 13 books.

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