The Trouble With Magic
A Talk Given by Fr. Ermatinger
Outline of Talk
- Introduction: 0:00-0:51
- The Notion of Superstition, Idolatry, Magic: 0:51-1:10
- Principles
- The Notion of the One and the Many in Pagan Writers: 1:10-2:30
- Seeking Unifying Principle
- Catholic Unifying Principle: 2:30-6:20
- Logos: The Mind of God: 2:30-6:20
- Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam: 2:38-4:15
- Logos in Scripture: 4:15-6:20
- Ephesians
- Colossians
- Christological Hymn:
- The One and the Many
- All Saved by the Passion of Christ: 5:46-6:20
- Salvation of the Angels
- Logos: The Mind of God: 2:30-6:20
- Original States: 6:20-14:02
- Adam as Capstone of Creation: 8:06-9:30
- Creation of Eve Prefigurement of the Temple
- The Two Tasks of Adam: 9:30-10:00
- Adam as the Priest: 10:00-11:59
- Ephrem the Syrian: 10:09-11:59
- Description of the Garden of Eden
- Ephrem the Syrian: 10:09-11:59
- Naming of the Animals: 11:59-12:40
- Particular Names to the Nature
- Aristotle’s Triad of Being
- Co-Creator: 12:40-13:06
- Adam as the Priest: 10:00-11:59
- Adam’s Test: 13:06-14:02
- Severian Of Gabala: 13:30-14:02
- Protect the Garden from Himself
- Severian Of Gabala: 13:30-14:02
- Adam as Capstone of Creation: 8:06-9:30
- The Fall: 14:02-19:58
- The Serpent: 14:02-16:00
- The Temptation of Eve
- Definition of Superstition: 14:44-15:13
- An Incongruence Between Cause And Effect
- Expecting a Greater Effect from a Lesser Cause
- First Superstitious Belief 15:13-16:00
- Means and Ends in Themselves
- Definition of Superstition: 14:44-15:13
- The Temptation of Eve
- Diadochos of Photiki: 16:00-16:58
- Fracturing of Man’s Senses and Person
- Separation of the Many from the One
- Multi-Layered Temptation: 16:58-18:15
- “Where are You?”: 18:15-19:58
- Invitation to Repentance
- Internal and Relational Rupture:
- Cast out of Paradise:
- The Serpent: 14:02-16:00
- A Fractured Existence: 19:58-25:20
- Region of Dissimilarity: 19:58-20:20
- Phenomenon of Brokenness in Paganism: 20:20-21:07
- Sins Against Order, Nature, Reason, God
- Order/Ordo: 21:07-22:02
- Phenomenon of Brokenness in Paganism: 20:20-21:07
- Penitential Life of Adam and Eve: 22:02-22:40
- The Primordial Trees Used to Address the Disorders: 22:40-24:00
- Temporary Temples Replaced by the Christ as the Final Temple: 24:00-25:20
- Our Participation in that Temple: 24:00-24:35
- One and the Many – Reestablishment
- You Will Be Like Gods: 24:35-25:20
- Region of Dissimilarity: 19:58-20:20
- The Root of Superstition = Lack of Trust: 25:20-28:35
- Every Sin Has a Lack of Trust/Confidence: 25:20-25:44
- St. Thomas: Four Wounds from the Fall: 25:44-26:33
- Concupiscence
- Darkened Intellect
- Mortality
- Proclivity to Malice
- Original Sin vs Personal Venial Sin: 26:33-27:53
- Overcoming Temptation Changes Place in Heaven: 27:18-27:53
- Theory: All Magic, Idolatry, and Superstition Are False Fixes to the Four Wounds: 27:53-28:35
- Development in Time: 28:35-36:03
- All Societies of Every Age Seek Magic: 28:35-33:39
- Magic and Magical Solutions: 29:13-31:15
- Darkened Intellect — Magical Knowledge
- Concupiscence — Magic to Avoid Suffering
- Mortality — Magic for Continued Existence
- Proclivity to Malice — Magic to Harm Those Perceived as Threats
- Aristotle: First in Intention is Last in Execution: 31:15-32:00
- Cicero: All Superstition is Rooted in Fear: 32:00-33:05
- Idea One Control Things Through Magic: 33:05-33:39
- Magic and Magical Solutions: 29:13-31:15
- No Idolatry Until Several Generations After Adam and Eve: 33:39-35:25
- Penchant for Divination / Magic Grows and Appears in All Societies
- Particular Expressions Promoted by the Devil to Deal with Wounds: 35:25-36:03
- All Societies of Every Age Seek Magic: 28:35-33:39
- God’s Solution to Our Wounds: 36:03-1:01:19
- Through the Church, Christ Gives Means to Deal with Wounds: 36:03-40:32
- Solutions for the Wound of Intellect
- Natural Law / Light of Reason
- Revelation
- Light of Faith
- Solutions for Concupiscence/Disordered Passions
- Life of Virtue and Grace: 40:32-47:50
- Being vs Having
- Sin/Vice Creates Disordered Relationship with a Demon: 44:44-47:00
- Slavery vs. Reintegration of Person: 47:00-47:44
- Virtue of Religion: 47:44-47:50
- Life of Virtue and Grace: 40:32-47:50
- Solutions for Mortality: 47:50-51:37
- Unending Natural Life vs. Union with God’s Own Life
- Feeling Better vs. Being Better
- Life of Grace Allows True Worship and Transforming Union: 49:30-51:37
- god by Accident not Nature
- Unending Natural Life vs. Union with God’s Own Life
- Solutions for Proclivity to Malice: 51:37-1:01:19
- (Charity via Sacramental Life of Grace)
- Downward Spiral of Sin
- Malice in Witchcraft: 52:00-56:25
- Certain Efficacy Permitted by God
- Mockery of True Religion
- No Escaping Demonic Element
- Even if Magic Doesn’t Work 53:15-56:25
- Augustine 56:25-58:40
- Demonic Inversion of Catholic Sacramental System: 57:24-58:40
- Needed: Reparations to the Sacred Heart: 58:40-59:11
- Baptism as Return to Eden and Life of Charity: 59:11-1:01:19
- Solutions for the Wound of Intellect
- Through the Church, Christ Gives Means to Deal with Wounds: 36:03-40:32
- Closing: 1:01:19-1:01:59
- Books: 1:01:59-1:06:25
— Fr. Ermatinger