First reason for bringing relief to the Souls in Purgatory
– This devotion glorifies God –
Our first motivation for hastening by every possible means the relief of those holy souls is the glory, which it gives God. Truly, nothing glorifies the Almighty, praises His holy Name, dilates his paternal Heart or contributes to the compliance of his adorable Will than the relief of the dead. Understand that by opening the gates of Heaven for those souls, we are giving God voices that will sing his praise, hearts that will love him and bless him. We are giving him souls that will consume themselves at the foot of his eternal throne in an ardour of love so pure, so perfect and so grand that it is beyond the possibility of our comprehension in our place of exile. St. Augustine tells us that There is nothing more agreeable to God than the relief and deliverance of the faithful departed. Doudaloue would add, It is a more beautiful and greater apostolic action than the very conversion of sinners and pagans.
Let us hasten to satisfy the right of the Divine Justice to procure that glorification. Those souls will do everything for us once they are in Heaven and will do it much more intensely than we could ever do. They will be pure angelic voices who will sing our anthem, which we cannot sing in a strange land. It is by their songs of triumph that we will glorify our God of all glory and Majesty. Remember that God, who has promised not to forget even a glass of water given in his name will pour his graces on those who strive to grant him souls who love him so tenderly.
– The joy of the saints –
Let us remember that by liberating those souls through our acts of love, not only do we glorify God, but we also bring great joy to all of Heaven. The entry of a new saint into his beautiful homeland is cause for a family celebration which includes all the heavenly inhabitants, each greeting and congratulating him or her with fraternal joy. Mary, Mother of Mercy, Comforter of the suffering Church, moved with holy joy, joins Jesus in laying a crown of glory and immortality on the head of the victor. His Guardian Angel and his patron Saint greet him or her with ineffable joy and praise him for his deliverance and happiness. The whole Celestial Court, which rejoices over the conversion of a single soul, rejoices even more at the elevation of an elected soul. It sings new hymns of praise to the glory of the Divine Lamb whose grace, victorious over human weakness, elevates the sons of Adam on the thrones of the fallen angels. Let us give priority to the devotion so agreeable to God and all his friends.
Let us heed not the cries of the souls in Purgatory but rather the pressing invitations of Jesus Christ, the Holy Virgin and all the Saints who beg us to liberate our brethren to the City of Eternal Joy. Let us give those orphans to their Father who is in Heaven. One day soon, we will join them and share in their felicity.
– Example –
In the Book of Daniel, we read that Darius, King of Persia, had proclaimed a law that if broken would lead to the accused being thrown to the lions. The Prophet Daniel, unable to abide by that pagan law was accused of violating the royal will. The king, who loved Daniel, was devastated to learn of his arrest but rather than circumvent his own law, he allowed Daniel to be cast into the lion’s den. Yet as he was being led away, Darius told Daniel, Servant of God, go in peace! What I cannot do without offending my justice, I sincerely believe that the God whom you love will grant and He will deliver you through his Mercy.
God did, in fact, deliver Daniel miraculously. He sealed the mouths of the lions and these became his guardians rather than his executioners. He then sent Angels to feed him. In this we can understand what happens to souls in Purgatory. Seeing them stained with sin and indebted to his Divine Justice, God cannot admit them into His Kingdom. He must leave them in the prison of Purgatory where He tells them, Go in faith, for what I cannot do because of my Justice, you Christian soul, ministers of my Mercy will become the liberators of Purgatory as Moses was the liberator of my people in Egypt. It is up to you to bring solace and to deliver these poor prisoners; it is you who must bring them the spiritual nourishment they await with impatience. What a noble and holy mission!
Let Us Pray
Oh God of infinite love, I beg you to forget the right of your Justice and to remember only your Mercy; extend it to those suffering souls who are so dear to you. Open your paternal arms to them and allow them to glorify you through thanksgiving and eternal praise. Holy Mary and all Saints in Heaven, intercede for them. Oh Jesus, be their Conciliator! Show them your Face in the celestial Jerusalem! May they rest in peace!
Let Us Pray
Lord, hear the prayers we will offer up to you every day of this month for the consolation of our deceased brothers and sisters and grant them a place of refreshing light and peace! Hear also the prayers which those souls will offer up to you for our intention that we might ultimately obtain, through their intercession, the graces for which we pray for.