Solitude, Silence, and Recollection
A Talk by Fr. Ermatinger
Outline of Talk
- Introductions: 0:00-0:11
- Invitation to Christ’s Kingdom: 0:11-4:11
- St. Gertrude: 1:12-2:14
- St. Matilda: 2:14-3:10
- St. Gertrude’s Conversion Experience at 25: 3:10-4:11
- Began to Live for Christ
- Began to Advance in the Spiritual Life
- Solitude, Silence, and Recollection: 4:11-36:31
- Needed to Preserve the Recollection of Spirit
- Remembrance of the Presence of God (Eastern Phrasing)
- Solitude: 4:46-12:00
- Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection: 4:59-5:48
- Book-Practice of the Presence of God
- On Solitude: 5:48-10:15
- St. Alphonsus de Liguori: 5:48-5:59
- Souls that Love God Feel A Strong Attraction for Solitude
- Shun the Noise and Distractions of the World
- St. Jerome: 5:59-7:12
- Scripture
- Eastern Fathers (Philokalia): 7:12-8:19
- In Solitude, Virtue Is Easily Preserved and Intercourse with the World is Easily Lost: 8:07-8:19
- William of St Thierry: Tracts and Letters: 8:19-9:35
- Desert in Judaism vs. Desert in Christianity: 9:35-10:15
- St. Alphonsus de Liguori: 5:48-5:59
- Doing God’s Will in Daily Life: 10:15-12:00
- Giving God Glory In Daily Life
- Need for Intimate Dialogue with Christ: 11:20-12:00
- Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection: 4:59-5:48
- Silence: 12:00-17:27
- Assumed To Be Burdensome
- Need to Unburden
- Filling Ourselves with Other Things: 12:40-13:13
- Silence of Solitude is Fruitful for Those that Love the Lord: 13:13-13:55
- Hermitage Within
- Bridegroom Chamber in the Soul
- St. Philip Neri: 13:55-14:35
- The Need for Retreats: 14:35-15:42
- St. Gregory: 15:42-16:16
- Exercise Continual Desire for Christ
- Living in Solitude of Spirit as well as Body: 16:16-17:27
- Developing Silence: 17:27-30:21
- Having Christ’s Heart Foremost in Our Heart and Mind: 17:27-18:50
- Having a Formulated Regimen: 18:50-22:45
- Attach Our Hearts and Minds to Him: 19:24-21:16
- Disorders Appear When in Silence: 21:16-22:00
- All Called to External and Internal Silence: 22:00-22:45
- Tranquillitas Ordinis: 22:45-30:21
- Disorders in Conscience Make the Cultivation of Silence Difficult
- St. Dorotheus: 23:53-24:59
- Guard Against Much Talking
- Train One’s Tongue: 24:59-30:21
- Loss of Silence in Many Parishes: 26:19-29:25
- Aside: Alexander the Great: 26:48-28:03
- Thomas à Kempis: 28:03-29:25
- Speak More with God Than with Men
- Aside: Disconnecting from the News / World: 29:25-30:21
- Loss of Silence in Many Parishes: 26:19-29:25
- Recollection: 30:21-36:31
- Allowing the Lord to Fill the Silence: 30:21-35:13
- Effort of the Will that Becomes a Habit
- Being Under God’s Loving Gaze and Returning it
- Would Seldom do Anything Displeasing: 31:44-35:13
- Aside: The Desert Father and the Prostitute: 32:28-34:03
- Aside: Jean-Paul Sartre and the Breaking with One’s Conscience: 34:03-35:13
- God Must Teach One: 35:13-36:31
- St. Theresa
- Simplicity of the Spiritual Life
- Allowing the Lord to Fill the Silence: 30:21-35:13
- Use Advent as a Time of Preparation: 36:31-37:02
— Fr. Ermatinger