
The movement of the human soul, and human society in general, from its fallen chaotic state towards divine order is at the heart of the Blog of Padre Pio Press. Writings, ponderings, and reflections on this movement of the soul are authored by Fr. Cliff Ermatinger and by the occasional Guest Contributor. The articles and recordings are relegated to the following areas:


Order with Chaos


Chaos Seeking Order


Divine Order Offered
to Restore Order


Resisting Absolute Chaos

Throughout the Month of February,
Padre Pio Press Cordially Invites
Its Readership to Join in Saying:

Litany of the Holy Family

Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary — Sermon by Fr. Ermatinger

Presentation of Christ in the Temple, Simon Vouet, c. 1640–1

Translation of the Reading for the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Thus saith the Lord God: Behold I send My Angel, and he shall prepare the way before My face; and presently the Lord, whom you seek, and the Angel of the testament, whom you desire, shall come to His temple. Behold He cometh, saith the Lord of hosts; and who shall be able to think of the day of His coming? and who shall stand to see Him? […]

By |February 3rd, 2025|Categories: Homilies, Traditional Liturgy|

Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary — A Message from St. Thomas Aquinas

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple,
Girolamo Romanino, 1529

Translation of the Gospel of Luke (2:22-32)

At that time, after the days of Mary’s purification according to the law of Moses, were accomplished, they carried Jesus to Jerusalem, to present Him to the Lord; as it is written in the law of the Lord: Every male opening the womb, shall be called holy to the Lord; and to offer sacrifice, according as it is written in the law of the Lord, a pair of turtle doves, or two young pigeons. And behold there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon, and […]

By |February 2nd, 2025|Categories: Spiritual Growth, Traditional Liturgy|

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