Quotes for Divine Mercy Sunday
Theotokos of the Passion Icon During the night, the Mother of God visited me, holding the Infant Jesus in Her arms. My soul was filled with joy and I said, "Mary, my Mother, do You know how terribly I suffer?" And the Mother of God answered me, I know how much you suffer but do not be afraid. I share with you your suffering, and I shall always do so. She [...]
Divine Mercy Sunday — A Message From Pope Benedict XVI
Translation of the Gospel According to John The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, The Maesta Altarpiece, Duccio, 1461 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when [...]
The Wounds of Christ – A Talk by Fr. Ermatinger
The Wounds of Christ A Talk by Fr. Ermatinger Sacred Heart and 5 Wounds of Christ, cir. 1495 Outline of Talk Introduction and Prayers: 00:00-0:53 The Wounds of Christ in Light of Scripture, Pope Benedict XVI, and Mystics: 0:53-41:00 Not Exhaustive St. Peter: “...By Whose Wounds We Are Healed” (ref. Isaiah 53): 2:27-3:30 Devotion to the Wounds of Christ Has a Long Tradition: 3:21-3:30 Common Denominator Amongst the Mystics: 3:30-4:07 St. [...]
Quinquagesima Sunday — A Message From St. Pope Gregory the Great
Healing Of The Blind Man Of Jericho, Codex Egberti Fol031, cir. 980- 993 Translation of the Holy Gospel According to Luke At that time Jesus took unto Him the twelve and said to them: Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things shall be accomplished which were written by the Prophets concerning the Son of Man. For He shall be delivered to the Gentiles, and shall be mocked and scourged and spit upon: and [...]
Mein Krampf
Pinned Post Mein Krampf Because Padre Pio Press is such a prestigious voice in all things, it ought not surprise our reader that from time to time, even the great shepherds of the Church (especially the German ones) seek it out for spiritual direction, solutions to theological conundrums, sage counsel of the sartorial sort, and insider tips for the racetrack. Most recently, a team of moral theologians and canonists requested pastoral assistance with signage for [...]
Maricopa, Maricopa, Mari Maxima Copa
Well, that was a close one. The scoreboard seemed to have a glitch at the beginning of the game since the people in charge of keeping score (naïve newbies, no doubt) were simply adding corresponding points to baskets made. What a bunch of maroons. That was quickly fixed and now your betters can go about the onerous task of choreographing your American Dream so you don’t have to. Nonetheless, I must admit a bit of [...]