Come Gather ’round People, PLEASE Heed the Call…
About 25 years ago, I was on a Northbound train returning from Bavaria to the Eifel, just south of Cologne. On it was a group of +70-year-old German men, all dressed like gangstas, complete with colorful tracksuits, numerous gold chains, flat-brimmed lids cocked to the side or on backward, and sporting expensive sneakers that would have been the envy of every hoodlum in da ‘hood -- had these gentlemen ever stepped foot there. The [...]
Belgian Waffling
--- Those stalwart Belgian prelates have really done it. Actually, they only have kind of done it. Who likes a half-baked waffle anyway? Their patriarchal minds are still half-closed. Pity. Although we all appreciate their attempt at blessing same-sex unions, one is forced to ask, “why should blessings be confined to them?” in other words, why blessings only for sodomites but not for everyone? After all, we all need accompaniment – except those, you know... [...]
An Exorcist Goes to the Movies
What better way to inaugurate a blog than to have a guest writer? Per his request, he shall remain anonymous. Coming home from the office after a hard day’s work presents several possible scenarios for the today’s modern exorcist (henceforth known as TME): Tune up the cello and saw off an homage to Johann Sebastian B.; Uncase the ukulele and sing a verse of “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary” as his faithful hound [...]