Esto Vir / Be a Man — A Talk by Fr. Ermatinger
Esto Vir / Be a Man A Talk by Fr. Ermatinger Praying Man, Jacek Malczewski, 1902-5 Outline of Talk Esto Vir Be a Man Prayers: 0:00-0:55 Introduction to Talk: 0:55-5:14 […]
Devotion to the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Mary
Mater Dolorosa, Dieric Bouts, 1470–75. Graces Promised by Our Lord to Those Attached to the Practice of the Devotion That those who before death invoke the divine other in the name of her dolors will obtain true repentance of all their sins; That He will protect all who have this devotion in their tribulations, and will protect them especially at the hour of death; That He will impress on their minds the remembrance of His [...]
Sepulchre — A Medieval Poem by George Herbert
The Temple Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, by George Herbert, 1633 Women at the Empty Tomb, Ivory Carving, c. 900-950 O Blessed bodie! Whither art thou thrown?No lodging for thee, but a cold hard stone?So many hearts on earth, and yet not one Receive thee? Sure there is room within our hearts good store;For they can lodge transgressions by the score:Thousands of toyes dwell there, yet out of doore They leave thee. But that which [...]
The Pearl — A Medieval Poem
The Pearl A Middle English Poem in Modern English in the Metre of the Original Old Parents Visiting the Grave of Their Son, Vasily Perov, 1874 Sophie Jewett, Translator 1908 THE PEARL I Pearl that the Prince full well might prize,So surely set in shining gold!No pearl of Orient with her vies;To prove her peerless I make bold:So round, so radiant to mine eyes,smooth she seemed, so small to hold,Among all jewels judges wiseWould count [...]
Daily Mass: Sermon for the Feast of St. Joan of Arc
The Calling of Saints Peter and Andrew (detail), Master of Gerona, late 1200s A Reading From the Gospel of Mark Peter began to say to Jesus, 'We have given up everything and followed you." Jesus said, "Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel who will not [...]
Daily Mass: Sermon for the Feast of St. Phillip Neri
A Reading from the Holy Gospel According to John: Feed My Sheep (fresco), John Clayton Jr., late 19th. After Jesus had revealed himself to his disciples and eaten breakfast with them, he said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" Simon Peter answered him, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my lambs." He then said to Simon Peter a second time, [...]